What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

I have been representing Farmers Insurance since 1987 and joined the agency force in 1990. Needless to say, I have dealt with many restoration companies during this time period. I have had some amazing companies help out our customers with their losses, and quite frankly, some bad ones. With that being said, Marketing Director, Nichole Mowrey and the Temecula SERVPRO Team has been one of the amazing restoration companies to deal with. Shout out to franchise owner George Lingurar for putting together an excellent team. Thanks for taking good care of my customers.

My insurance referred me to SERVPRO of Temecula after high winds blew my fence down. They came out and secured it within a few hours. I'm happy I don't have to worry about my dog getting out now while we wait for a new fence. 

Thank you SERVPRO for being so fast and helpful. 

Happy I would give them more than 5 stars

5 stars

Serve Pro- Great company they do excellent work. They are fast and get the job done promptly. They clean up and get you back to normal promptly.